We've been serving focaccia at Gog Magog Hill Farm for several weekends now because people love it. I'll also let you into a secret, it's really easy to make.
We've been serving a very simple rosemary and sea salt focaccia but you can adjust the toppings to suit your tastes. How about swapping them for chilli, garlic, olives…
- 1 batch of basic bread dough
- 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 teaspoons coarsely chopped rosemary
- 1-2 teaspoons sea salt
- Prepare the basic bread dough and knock back.
- Cut into two pieces and stretch each piece to fit into a small non-stick baking tray (30x20cm). Alternatively leave as one piece and put into a bigger baking tray.
- Cover with a tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size.
- Prod dimples into the dough with your finger tips.
- Sprinkle on the rosemary and sea salt and then drizzle with the olive oil. The olive oil will pool in the dimples.
- Place into a preheated oven at 200C or a Big Green Egg at 220C for about 13 minutes or until the top is a lovely golden colour.
- Remove from the oven and leave to cool on a cooling rack.
It's as easy as that.